Pedestrian & Bike Accident
Because intoxicated drivers are often to blame, the attorneys at Stiles Law, LLC will assist the state prosecutors in any way we can to ensure the drunk driver is punished criminally and civilly. Statistics show that intoxicated motorists who injure pedestrians and bike riders typically have previous driving offense involving alcohol and drugs. We believe that it’s time to get these drivers off our streets. We hope we can make a difference before someone is injured or killed. However, when someone has been injured, we will do what we can to assist the State in the strongest criminal punishment available.
We understand that permanently injured pedestrians and bike riders need family and friends to care for them. Years of experience in personal injury and working with medical experts will provide a source of knowledge for the loved ones who courageously take on the responsibility of caring for his or her injured family and friends.

Drinking and driving is a common cause of pedestrian and/or bike accidents. Often an intoxicated driver swerves into the path of the unsuspecting person. This pedestrian or bike rider has little or no protection against a car weighing more than a ton. When this type of accident occurs, catastrophic injuries can include brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, severe scarring and/or wrongful death.
​Injured pedestrians and bike riders can have a life of ongoing medical treatment. These permanent injuries require compensation for today and tomorrow. To obtain fair results requires an attorney who can put together a team of experts to explain exactly what it will take to ensure a peaceful life for those who were injured. Stiles Law, LLC is an experienced Charlotte law firm that is prepared to meet these needs.